Tax Services

Preparing your own income tax return can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. According to a study released by the US Government's General Accounting Office last year, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer.

Whether we like it or not, today's tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program there's no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.

Here's what we offer:

  • Your tax return will be checked and rechecked by our computer software to identify potential problems the IRS may look at more closely, and reviewing the math to limit IRS contacts.

  • Your tax return can be filed electronically so you will get a quicker refund.

  • Why give the IRS an interest free loan for up to 16 months? Our staff will show you how to adjust your payroll withholding to get more money back each week.

  • We will show you potential deductions to limit your tax liability for next year. In addition, we will give you a sheet of commonly overlooked deductions to limit the following year's tax liability.

Books a Mess: No Problem!
If you own a small business and haven't kept up your bookkeeping, don't worry--we can help you. We'll prepare your bookkeeping for the year, prepare a full Schedule C, as well as your personal income tax return. Then we'll help you set up an easy system that allows you to keep your books in tip-top shape next year.

Reduce Taxes

Chances are you are paying too much tax. We take a deep dive into your business and develop a tax strategy to keep 10-40% more money in your pocket!

Business Accounting

In addition to saving money, we help you save time. Let us remove the load of keeping accurate financial records with our bookkeeping and payroll services.

Passive Income

We help you develop a clear financial plan to develop passive income from your business so you can build a lasting financial legacy and enjoy retirement years earlier.

Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. We go beyond tax compliance and proactively recommend tax saving strategies to maximize your after-tax income.

We make it a priority to enhance our mastery of the current tax law, complex tax code, and new tax regulations by attending frequent tax seminars.

Businesses and individuals pay the lowest amount of taxes allowable by law because we continually look for ways to minimize your taxes throughout the year, not just at the end of the year.

We recommend Tax Saving Strategies that help you...

  • grow and preserve assets by keeping Uncle Sam out of your pockets.

  • defer income so you can keep your money now and pay less in taxes later.

  • reduce taxes on your income so you keep more of what you make.

  • reduce taxes on your estate so your family keeps more of what you've made.

  • reduce taxes on your gifts so you can give more.

  • reduce taxes on your investments so you can grow your wealth faster.

  • reduce taxes on your retirement distributions so you can retire in style.

Here are just a few of the Tax Saving Strategies we use:

  • Splitting income among several family members or legal entities in order to get more of the income taxed in lower bracket.

  • Shifting income or expenses from one year to another in order to have them fall where they will be taxed at a lower rate.

  • Deferring tax liabilities through certain investment choices such as pension plans, contributions and other similar plans.

  • Using certain investments to produce income that is tax exempt from either federal or state or both taxing entities.

  • Finding tax deductions by structuring your money to pay for things you enjoy, such as a vacation home.

Remember, we work for you, not for the IRS. Many of our clients save much more than our fee in reduced tax liability through careful planning and legitimate tax strategies.

If you'd like to receive more information about our Tax Planning Service, please complete this form.

Are you having problems with the IRS?

We're here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through. We pride ourselves on being very efficient, affordable, and of course, extremely discrete. The IRS problems will not just go away by themselves; they just keep getting worse with penalties and interest being added each day.

If you owe the IRS, you have a very serious problem. It may take the IRS several years to catch up to you, but they're relentless and have no mercy in collecting all the money that is owed. When the collection process starts, they'll make your life miserable and literally ruin all aspects of your life.

Please take a look through our complete IRS problem resolution services by clicking on the links below.

IRS Problems

IRS Solutions

Get a Free Consultation with our tax specialist by completing the form below.

Estate planning on your own can be complicated and costly. And the list is endless... state taxes, bureaucracy, probate courts, unfair appraisals, health care concerns, eligibility of heirs, life insurance, IRA's, 401K's, annuities, burial or cremation costs, and intent regarding death-postponing treatment to name a few. Not knowing your legal and financial rights often ends up costing you more in the end.

Thoughts of estate planning often bring more questions than answers: Could an heir be too young to inherit? Should the inheritance be given at a certain age? Is the intended beneficiary in a shaky marriage with divorce as a possibility? Are there children from a previous marriage? Should inheritance be protected from potential creditors of the heir? Are there taxes that can be avoided? Are you able to avoid the probate court rules, delays, and costs?

Planning what happens to your estate when you're gone can seem frustrating and intimidating without qualified help.

You may feel that you're too young to care about estate planning. Or, perhaps the reminder of death makes you uncomfortable. You might be tempted to put the whole thing off, assuming that it will just take care of itself. In all cases, estate planning ends up saving your family lots of time, heartache and money.

And we can help.

Every estate planning situation is different. In order to help you, we want to know you, your unique situation, and the nature of your relationships. We offer discussion, recommendations and useful research tools to make your planning simple, efficient, and worry-free. We are available throughout the process for further discussion regarding questions, change of circumstances, and alternatives. At every step, we'll be there with you.

We help you...

  • Clearly define your estate planning goals.

  • Organize and create your estate planning team (experts on law, finance, and taxes) if you need one.

  • Evaluate and recommend estate planning options.

  • Prepare, organize and review your estate planning documents including current wills, trusts, health care and power of attorney.

  • Decrease the problems and expenses associated with probate.

  • Lessen taxes at time of death.

  • Arrange for management of your estate in the event you are incapacitated.

  • Draft a working plan for conserving and effectively managing your estate after death.

  • Transfer the assets of your estate to heirs the way you want.

  • Organize fair and adequate liquidation of estate to cover taxes and other expenses.

  • Amend your plan as needed.

You also get help with...

  • Living Wills and Trusts.

  • Lifetime Family Wealth Transfers.

  • Family partnerships and other business relationships.

  • Leaving money to charities.

  • Preparation for estate and trust tax problems.

The hassles and red tape associated with estate planning can be daunting, but you don't need to do it alone. Our team is waiting to assist you through every step of the process.

If you'd like more information about our estate planning services please complete this form to setup a consultation.

Tax Preparation

Tax Planning

Tax Problems

Estate Planning